Tempe Pledge for a Sustainable Community

What you can do



Our reliance on motorized transportation has a variety of impacts on human health and the environment. Transportation and road transportation in particular, rely heavily on the consumption of fossil fuels, and contribute to reductions in air quality and rising levels of ozone emissions.

By committing to one or more of these tips your business can have a significant effect on its environmental impact.

  • Beginner
    Just Getting Started
  • Intermediate
    Going a Little Deeper
  • Advanced
    Transforming Your Organization
  • Encourage carpooling to company events and offsite meetings
  • Promote ride-matching service to form carpools at www.sharetheride.com hosted by Valley Metro
  • Hold events at locations served by transit
  • Hold events along the frequent transit network
  • Provide staff with transit fares for travel locally to business meetings
  • Provide secure bicycle parking facilities for employees
  • Provide casual bicycle parking on-site for clients
  • Provide one washroom facility where the door can be locked for cyclist/runners to freshen up
  • Share trip planning tools – ValleyMetro.org trip planner, Mobile Site/Apps including RideKick, regional cycling maps
  • Engage employees in regional campaigns like Valley Bike Month and Bike to Work/School Day, Dump the Pump, etc.
  • Use webinars, video and teleconferencing
  • Offer start and end times that avoid peak periods of travel
  • Conduct regular prize drawings for employees who use alternate modes of transport
  • Provide free or preferred parking for carpools and hybrid/electric vehicles
  • Subsidize transit fares for employee commuting
  • Educate driving staff (fleet management) on efficient driving techniques
  • Create a work from home (teleworking) option
  • Reduce air travel
  • Schedule condensed work week to work five days in four and reduce vehicle traffic by 20%
  • Purchase fleet optimization software
  • Create a 5-year or 10-year ambitious sustainability vision, goals and targets of success and incorporate a transportation section
  • Calculate emissions from employee commuting and set annual targets related to employee use of alternate modes of transportation
  • Develop a custom site for your business that offers ride share matching designated for employees
  • Engage employees at all levels in greening the workplace, their homes and communities
  • Embed your green goals into your products and services
  • Champion green initiatives to your industry association and solve eco-problems together
  • Measure and report your progress and share your efforts with others
  • Offer free charging for electric vehicles
  • Subsidize 100% of transit fares for alternate modes of transportation
  • Purchase carbon offsets to minimize effects of business travel

What you can do